Testing on the game continues and what better place to get more testing in than an Unpub event! If you have never heard of Unpub I definitely recommend you check them out. Unpub is a group that organizes play tests for game designers and connects them with game players who are interested in helping make those games just a little bit better. They hold their own convention called Unpub in Baltimore, and also host smaller events known as mini-Unpubs around the area. Unpub also hosts events at conventions such as Origins and PAX Unplugged.
I was able to run several demos of the game at the Unpub event on Friday at PAX Unplugged, and by several I mean 10, 45 minute play throughs. This was great! I had very little down time between games and the 35-40 people who tried out the game gave great feed back, and more importantly, enjoyed their time with the game. It is great to see people playing through your game and wanting to help make it better while at the same time enjoying playing what you have created. We plan to attend more Unpub events while we are still tweaking the rules over the next few months and I hope some of you can come try out the game and help improve it as well.