Hit ’em With a Shoe is proud to participate in Virtual Gen Con 2020! This year we have a few show specials for you as well as two upcoming games to tell you about and demo.
Our show special this year for Bee Lives: We Will Only Know Summer is the game, a playmat, and this year’s Pin Bazaar Kabyle pin for $80. A savings of $20 over buying these items separately!
For those of you that like pins, we are bundling together our 2019 and 2020 Pin Bazaar pins for $15. That’s $5 savings over buying the pins separately! Pick these up for your collection and for our upcoming games Dirt Dog and Algeria, 1857!
If you are just looking for this year’s Pin Bazaar pin you can pick it up here.
We also have 2 upcoming games to announce to you!

First up is Dirt Dog, a fast paced card game for 2 or 4 players. In Dirt Dog, you and your opponent take turns running your lovable dogs through burrows. Your goal is to catch and defeat your quarry with more moxie remaining than your opponent. Game play takes about 15 minutes as you build burrows for your opponent and run your dog through the underground tunnels. You can expect Dirt Dog to hit Kickstarter in the next couple of months.
To be notified of Dirt Dog’s Kickstarter launch and to stay up to date with us please join our newsletter:
We are running sessions of Dirt Dog on Tabletop Simulator during Virtual Gen Con 2020! If you want to give the game a try, please sign up here.

Our second game announcement is for Algeria, 1857. In this co-op game, up to 4 players take on the role of Kabyles in Algeria defending their homes from the invading French General Randon. Join Fadhma N’Soumer in her fight against invading armies and see how long you can hold out. This game uses deck building elements coupled with a board where you and your allies place units to defend key strategic areas. You can expect Algeria, 1857 on Kickstarter later this year following Dirt Dog.
To be notified of Algeria, 1857’s Kickstarter launch and to stay up to date with us please join our newsletter:
We are running sessions of Algeria, 1857 on Tabletop Simulator during Virtual Gen Con 2020! If you want to give the game a try, please sign up here.